How We started

How We started

BollyCOREInc began as an extension of our Sanskriti Arts dance choreography classes when students decided they needed a change to the traditional structure of a dance choreography class. Our students expressed great interest in our dancing, but didn’t want to stress about having to rehearse their routines once they left our studios. A lot of the students needed a lot of repetition to get the dance movements into their body and the number of repetitions done in a dance choreography class was not enough for them to remember complex steps from week to week and would therefor require extra work at home.

With the successes of our dance workshops across the city, we decided to create a dance program where each class was almost like a party, where everyone played follow the leader with their skilful and energetic instructors, having a blast to the constantly running music throughout each class. Students found the continuous music de-stressing and added to the benefits of our program.

The class later developed from a party dance class to a structured fitness based dance class catering to the physical rehabilitation needs of students, as well as incorporating yoga and physiotherapy methodologies for healthy active living.